Restorative dentistry is the dental procedure commonly used to bring back perfect bite and natural smile by replacing the damage done on the tooth. Filling empty spaces in teeth caused by decay or trauma is essential not just only from a cosmetic viewpoint but also to maintain good oral care & hygiene and avoid further damage to gums and other teeth. Our restorative treatments clinic in Noida include dental fillings and root canal treatment on teeth which is severely decayed.
Dental Fillings
Dental fillings help to restore cavities and bring the damaged tooth to its original natural form and shape. The dental fillings plug holes in the teeth, removing decayed part & filling the spaces. Fillings ensure that the teeth are healthy and less prone to further decay and infections.
We recommend the fillings based on the location of the restoration and budget. At our restorative treatments clinic in Noida, we typically use three classes of fillings i.e. Amalgam (or silver) fillings, Composite fillings, and Glass ionomer cement fillings. Over time, dental fillings could wear, chip or crack, hence we recommend regular checkups to help keep the fillings intact.
Root canal treatment:
Root canal treatment is part of endodontics and the arm of dentistry specializing with pulp. RCT is sequenced for the extensively decayed tooth with infected pulp which results in the elimination of existing infection and further protection of decontaminated tooth from any future microbial invasion or infection. The pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and other tissues, at the center of each tooth.