The smile is determined by factors such as the shape of the teeth, the colour of the gums, and the pigment-containing cells; any change can result in an unpleasant smile. Gum hyperpigmentation is a condition in which the gums are darker than average
Causes of Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation is caused by a variety of local and systemic influences, such as smoker’s melanosis, pigmented nevi, heavy metal pigmentation, amalgam tatoo, drug induced pigmentation like minocycline, oral melanotic macules.
Clinical Presentation
Gum hyperpigmentation ranges from dark brown to black brown.
The pigmentation of black gums can be treated by removing the superficial layer of hyperpigmented gums, resulting in aesthetically pink gums. Hyperpigmentation is treated with a scalpel, laser, cryosurgery, grafts, and electrocautery.